SAMI - Signal Analysis, Modelling, and Interpretation Group
Journal Club
Available positions




Roman Čmejla
Roman Čmejla is Professor at the Department of Circuit Theory at Czech Technical University and head of the Signal Analysis, Modelling and Interpretation group. He obtained MSc and PhD degree at the Czech Technical University in Prague with PhD thesis 'Stop consonants recognition'.

His main research interests focus on analysis and processing biological and speech signals.

office: B2/525 | phone: +420 224 352 236 |
e-mail: cmejla at

Jan Rusz
Jan Rusz is Associate Professor in the Signal Analysis, Modelling, and Interpretation Group at the Department of Circuit Theory. Since 2008, he is also research fellow in First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague.

His research interests include Speech and Neuroscience with a background of signal processing, modelling, control and computational engineering, statistics, & physiology.

office: B2/520 | phone: +420 224 352 287 |
e-mail: at

Post-graduate researchers

Radek Janča
His research is focused on analysis of intracranial EEG, detection of the Seizure Onset Zone and indetification of EEGs artifacts.

office: C4/460 | phone: +420 224 352 820 |
e-mail: jancarad at

Vojtěch Illner
His research interests are development and assessment of algorithms for speech features extraction, their implemenation in various determining scenarios and usage for neurodegenerative disease severity evaluation.

office: C4/461 | phone: +420 224 352 290 |
e-mail: illnevoj at

Petr Ježdík
His research is focused on EEG signal processing, non-destructive testing, Xray inspection, computed tomography, automotive diagnostic.

office: C4/460 | phone: +420 224 352 820 |
e-mail: jancarad at

Michal Novotný
His research is focused on development of robust algorithms for extraction of features from speech and facial expression.

office: B3/613 | phone: +420 224 355 887 |
e-mail: novotnym26 at

Jan Švihlík
His research consists of application of machine learning, image processing and segmentation and digital signal processing in biomedical engineering.

e-mail: svihlj1 at

Tereza Tykalová
Her research consists in acoustic investigation of pathological utterances recorded from patients with different neurological diseases.

office: B3/613 | phone: +420 224 355 887 |
e-mail: tykalter at

PhD students

Louise Kälble
His research is focused on the video-based analysis of facial movement disruption in neurodegenerative diseases and the development of algorithms to quantify them.

office: B2/526 | phone: +420 224 352 289 |
e-mail: louis.kaelble at

Tomáš Kouba
His work consists of development of speech recording and analysing applications, algorithms and their assessment.

office: C4/461 | phone: +420 224 352 290 |
e-mail: koubato2 at

Petr Krýže
His research interests are focused on speech changes in patients undergoing deep brain stimulation.

office: B2/526 | phone: +420 224 352 289 |
e-mail: kryzepet at

Kateřina Macková
Her research is focused on algorithms for image processing in neuroimaging and development of assistive technologies for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy.

office: C4/460 | phone: +420 224 352 820 |
e-mail: mackoka3 at

Michal Šimek
His research interests are focused on development of signal processing methods and machine learning algorithms for neurodegenerative diseases severity assessment based on speech analysis.

office: C4/461 | phone: +420 224 352 290 |
e-mail: simekm16 at

Filip Šlapal
His research is focused on the development of algorithms for the extraction of facial expression features and the following statistical analysis.

office: B2/526 | phone: +420 224 352 289 |
e-mail: slapafil at

Martin Šubert
His research interests are focused on natural language processing in patients with neurodegenerative diseases.

office: B2/526 | phone: +420 224 352 289 |
e-mail: subermar at

Succesful PhD graduates of SAMI

Jan Hlavnička (2018)
PhD thesis: "Automated analysis of speech disorders in neurodegenerative diseases"

Tomáš Lustyk (2018)
PhD thesis: "Analysis of disfluency in pathological speech" [PDF]

Martina Ovčaří (2017)
PhD thesis: "Analýza promluv dětí s vývojovou dysfázií" [PDF]

Daniel Špulák (2016)
PhD thesis: "Zpracování povrchových elektromyografických signálů" [PDF]

Adam Stráník (2014)
PhD thesis: "Analýza a hodnocení chraptivosti v řečovém signálu" [PDF]

Jan Janda (2012)
PhD thesis: "Age-dependent parameters of children's speech"

Petr Bergl (2010)
PhD thesis: "Objectification of speech dysfluencies"

Petr Zlatník (2008)
PhD thesis: "Children speech intelligibility assessment using DTW"

Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Department of Circuit Theory
Technicka 2, 166 27 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2435 2236, e-mail: cmejla at